This committee is coordinated by the manager of the institutional planning and effectiveness unit. The committee is largely responsible for planning and monitoring institutional quality assurance process and compliance.Terms of Reference
Dean of Academic Affairs (Chair)
Chair of Business Division- Member
Coordinator of IT, Division – Member
Manager of Administration and Finance- Member
Manager of Admissions and Registration- Member
Manager of Student Affairs and Happiness & Positivity- Member
Manager of OPIE (Facilitator)
Other Information:
Reporting to: President
Meeting Frequency: Once a month and as and when required.
- This committee is responsible for coordinating, synchronizing and monitoring of planning and the effectiveness activities of the entire institution.
- The committee develops policy, criteria, and indicators for assessing institutional and unit effectiveness within the framework of the institutional goals and objectives.
- It sets performance targets for each unit and monitors progress and compliance.
- The committee receives and delivers on unit reports, compiles a consolidated institutional report and forwards it to the presidential council for further consideration.
- The committee works closely with the IPE unit in generating, collecting and evaluating data for institutional review purposes.
- Working in tandem with the program effectiveness committee, this committee ensures that the academic programs, delivery systems, and program assessment models satisfy the institutional goals and objectives of the college.
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