Library Committee


Business faculty (Chair)

IT faculty -Member


Librarian (Facilitator)

 English faculty-Member

Other Information

Reporting to:                              Dean of Academic Affairs

Meeting Frequency:                   Once in a month and as and when required.

Terms of Reference

  • This committee assures that information resources are adequate to meet the needs of the ECMIT students;
  • This committee ensures the personal assistance to library research, adequate hours of operation and accessibility;
  • This committee also ensures that sufficiency of space and equipment, proper cataloging and circulation system, access to electronic library resources, adequate collection development and sufficient staffing.
  • This committee recommends annual budget for the support of learning resources;
  • This committee plans, directs, and integrate learning resource services and programs and policies so as to promote fulfillment of the college’s mission and goals;
  • This committee approves division requisition and purchase orders for supplies and equipment;
  • This committee acts as advocate for the libraries with the administration, faculty staff and students;
  • This committee conducts research in library management and in general field of librarianship in order to dal more effectively with administrative issues and to conducts annual review of this process;
  • This committee is responsible for responding to the results of the library satisfaction surveys of faculty and students every semester concerning the adequacy and quality of library resources.